WSDLC Board Meeting Recap

The WSDLC Board met on April 5th.  You can check out the full notes if you’d like.  Here are the Top 5 highlights: 

1.  The Board Elections are complete.  Three people ran unopposed and will be returning to the Board: Dale Meinholz (representing CESA 3), Keith Schroeder (representing CESA 8), and Laurie Agema (representing CESA 9).  Jen Peterson will return as an at-large member and as chair.  We’re still looking for someone to represent CESA 12.  If you are interested, please let us know! 

2.  The Selection Advisory Committee is being populated.  The Board will receive the list of volunteers to review and approve this week.  We’ll keep you posted!

3. Based on your feedback, the Board prioritized a Wishlist for things we’d like to see changed with the OverDrive products.  We’ll now discuss these items with OverDrive.  Once we create a list and have the first discussion with OverDrive, we’ll share more information. 

4. Also based on your feedback in the member survey, the Board discussed an additional survey to help prioritize marketing needs.  They decided to wait on the survey and asked us to work on a few back-to-school marketing items. We’ll be working on these over the summer with Board feedback and hope to have them ready for you in the Fall.

5. The board also discussed a training plan, (based on — you guessed it! — your feedback in the member survey).  The plan is ambitious and includes lots of new opportunities for learning more about WSDLC and OverDrive.  We’re working on roles and a timeline with OverDrive, and we’ll share more after that.

As always, please let us know if you have questions or concerns.