OverDrive Advantage

Training materials:

What is Advantage/What is an Advantage Account?

Advantage is a program where members of a shared collection can purchase additional titles for their students only.  An Advantage Account is an OverDrive Marketplace account that allows a user to purchase titles that will be available only for their students.

Use Advantage to:

  • Add additional copies of titles exclusively for specific grades or schools
  • Create a unique collection of titles for schools within a district

All Advantage titles will appear alongside the shared collection’s titles, making for a seamless experience for your students.

Watch the Working with an OverDrive Advantage Account (K-12 Schools) video to learn what it’s all about and how to get started.

Are my Advantage materials shared with the consortium?

No. All titles that are purchased at the Advantage level are available for only the students at your school.

Can I have different lending periods, checkout limits, or content access levels than the consortium for my Advantage content?

You can override lending periods, checkout limits, and content access levels by using a feature called “Title Assign.”

With Title Assign, you can assign a specific title to a student through MarketPlace.  You will have to know the students’ user ID and the student will have to have signed into OverDrive at least once. The title will then appear on the Home tab in Sora.

For more information about Title Assign, see the OverDrive Training How-To: Assigning Titles to your Students

Title assignments override lending periods, checkout limits and content access levels- which is why this can only be done with Advantage titles.

If you are using Follett authentication, it’s a little trickier.  Please contact Amanda Lawman {wsdlc@overdrive.com} for assistance.

Can I assign content to my students?
Yes, the OverDrive platform allows educators to seamlessly assign titles directly to students’ digital bookshelves.  This is limited to titles you have purchased from your Digital Book Account.

Can I change the default limits for checkout time, number of items checked out, and/or holds?
Currently, the shared collection and Advantage collections must adhere to the same policies. If a district changes their lending times, checkout or hold limits, it will affect all of the WSDLC members. The WSDLC Board, with input from OverDrive, determined the current limits in place to ensure every student has equal access to materials.