

Training materials:

What types of materials are included?
Ebooks and Audiobooks for Schools (PDF brochure from OverDrive)

The collection is actually three collections of ebooks: one for grades K-5, another for grades 6-8 and a final for grades 9-12. The collections include or will include:

  • Fiction and nonfiction
  • Audiobooks
  • Titles for pleasure reading, including popular authors and award winners.
  • Spanish language materials
  • Culturally diverse materials
  • Content from a variety of publishers
  • High interest/low reading level content

The collections focus on newly published titles and content.

Will other formats be added?
We anticipate the collection will develop based on the needs of participants. For example, the initial collection only included ebooks. Audiobooks were added based on the feedback of the participants. As other formats develop, they will be considered by the membership for addition.

Who is the vendor providing the collections?
OverDrive is the current provider for the collections. Additional vendors will be considered in the future to ensure a continued well-rounded collection for schools.

Who is selecting the content?
Ebook content is currently selected by OverDrive librarians who specialize in developing K12 collections. The WSDLC Board and Selection Advisory Committee set the direction for the collection. Any member can suggest titles for purchase at any time by emailing

Where can I find the circulation policies for the collection?
The policies can be found on the Resources for WSDLC Members page.

Can I have different lending periods, checkout limits, or content access levels than the consortium?
For consortium titles, the answer is No.  All consortium copies follow the same circulation rules. See the Advantage section of the FAQ for more information about titles owned by individual schools or district.