July’s Usage Statistics, An FAQ Answered, and More!

July’s Usage Statistics, An FAQ Answered, and More!

It’s hard to believe August is upon us already!   July’s Usage Statistics The WSDLC’s consortium-wide usage statistics for last month have been compiled and are ready to be viewed. July 2021 followed previous years’ trends with usage dipping downwards as students are spending their time outside the classroom. Collections are also continuing to grow, withContinue Reading July’s Usage Statistics, An FAQ Answered, and More!

2022 BOB, Intellectual Freedom Resources, Digipalooza 21 & WSDLC Renewals

2022 BOB, Intellectual Freedom Resources, Digipalooza 21 & WSDLC Renewals

We hope everyone has been able to keep cool this week! 2022 Battle of the Books In June, WEMTA released the book titles for 2022’s Battle of the Books. We are gearing up and making sure multiple copies of these titles are available for students through SORA to aid in participation. Not sure what BattleContinue Reading 2022 BOB, Intellectual Freedom Resources, Digipalooza 21 & WSDLC Renewals