Flipped Classroom: Usage Stats ● FAQ: Best Stats to Present to Stakeholders? ● Schedule One-on-Ones with OverDrive Staff ● Coming Soon ● School Stars!

Flipped Classroom: Usage Stats ● FAQ: Best Stats to Present to Stakeholders? ● Schedule One-on-Ones with OverDrive Staff ● Coming Soon ● School Stars!

Happy Tuesday! We’ve seen some chilly air moving through the state this past week, but warmer temperatures are coming, and so are some exciting announcements from the WSDLC! Flipped Classroom: Usage Statistics This month we’ll be taking a look at Usage Statistics by utilizing Marketplace Insights. Insights is the area of your Marketplace account whereContinue Reading Flipped Classroom: Usage Stats ● FAQ: Best Stats to Present to Stakeholders? ● Schedule One-on-Ones with OverDrive Staff ● Coming Soon ● School Stars!

December’s Usage Stats ● Flipped Classroom: Usage Stats ● WEMTA’s BoB Registration Closing Soon

December’s Usage Stats ● Flipped Classroom: Usage Stats ● WEMTA’s BoB Registration Closing Soon

Happy New Year and welcome back! We hope that every one of you managed to have a peaceful winter break. December’s Usage Stats As is the trend for December, usage last month dropped slightly as students left the classroom and began their winter breaks. But even though we saw the usual and expected dip, usageContinue Reading December’s Usage Stats ● Flipped Classroom: Usage Stats ● WEMTA’s BoB Registration Closing Soon

New Titles in November, Member-Made Training Video, Flipped Classrooms: Curation, Call for Tiny Case Studies

New Titles in November, Member-Made Training Video, Flipped Classrooms: Curation, Call for Tiny Case Studies

Happy Tuesday! Winter break is just around the corner for most Wisconsin schools, and we’ve got a few items of interest this week that we don’t want you to miss! New Titles Added Last Month In November, 111 previously-unavailable titles were added the WSDLC shared collection! You can find a complete listing of all titlesContinue Reading New Titles in November, Member-Made Training Video, Flipped Classrooms: Curation, Call for Tiny Case Studies

November’s Usages Stats, SLATE is Happening Now!, & Flipped Classrooms: Curation

November’s Usages Stats, SLATE is Happening Now!, & Flipped Classrooms: Curation

Happy Tuesday, all! November’s Usage Statistics Last week’s message announced that during November the WSDLC collection has reached TWO MILLION CHECKOUTS! This is such an exciting milestone that it bears mentioning twice! November’s usage is still increasing: There were over 111,000 checkouts (compared to 2020’s 90,000 November circulations), and 848 unique users with checkouts (compared to 735Continue Reading November’s Usages Stats, SLATE is Happening Now!, & Flipped Classrooms: Curation

An Exciting Milestone Reached, SLATE is Coming Soon, OverDrive’s Annual Sale is Going, and Flipped Classrooms: Curation

An Exciting Milestone Reached, SLATE is Coming Soon, OverDrive’s Annual Sale is Going, and Flipped Classrooms: Curation

We hope everyone had a relaxing break, filled with lots of love and thanks. For ourselves, we could not be any more thankful for all of our members! Among the many things you have all been doing this school year (and beyond), you have helped the WSDLC collection become the success that it is. ThankContinue Reading An Exciting Milestone Reached, SLATE is Coming Soon, OverDrive’s Annual Sale is Going, and Flipped Classrooms: Curation

SLATE Conference in December, OverDrive’s End of Year Sale, and November & December’s Flipped Classrooms

SLATE Conference in December, OverDrive’s End of Year Sale, and November & December’s Flipped Classrooms

For this week’s message, we just have a few reminders on some things that are happening now, plus some information on an upcoming conference! The Annual SLATE Conference is December 6th-8th The School Leaders Advancing Technology in Education (SLATE) Conference will be held at Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells from December 6th-8th. The SLATE Conference boasts over 100Continue Reading SLATE Conference in December, OverDrive’s End of Year Sale, and November & December’s Flipped Classrooms

End of Year Sale, Lucky Day Collection, WLA Conference, and Flipped Classrooms: Advantage Accounts & Marketplace

End of Year Sale, Lucky Day Collection, WLA Conference, and Flipped Classrooms: Advantage Accounts & Marketplace

School breaks and holidays are just around the corner, and we have some great opportunities to help support your students’ reading needs and interests! From getting popular titles in to their hands and ears early (WSDLC’s new Lucky Day collection!) to adding some fresh titles thanks to OverDrive’s annual sale, Wisconsin students are sure toContinue Reading End of Year Sale, Lucky Day Collection, WLA Conference, and Flipped Classrooms: Advantage Accounts & Marketplace

Lucky Day Collection!, WLA Annual Conference, Flipped Classrooms: Advantage, & New Titles Added in October

Lucky Day Collection!, WLA Annual Conference, Flipped Classrooms: Advantage, & New Titles Added in October

Happy Tuesday once again! We all hope November has been off to a good start for each of you. This week, we have a few short but very exciting things to share! Lucky Day Collection is LIVE! Last week, the WSDLC saw the addition of the Lucky Day collection! This collection is made up ofContinue Reading Lucky Day Collection!, WLA Annual Conference, Flipped Classrooms: Advantage, & New Titles Added in October

October Usage Stats, Flipped Classrooms: Advantage, and a Magazines Update Review

October Usage Stats, Flipped Classrooms: Advantage, and a Magazines Update Review

Happy Tuesday! We’re entering the third month of the membership year, and usage is going strong! October’s Shared Collection Usage Statistics Available October’s shared collection statistics are in! There were over 115,000 checkouts last month, bringing the total circulation for the first two months of the 2021-22 membership year to a whopping 219,947! Also, magazinesContinue Reading October Usage Stats, Flipped Classrooms: Advantage, and a Magazines Update Review

Magazines Now Available!, Member Idea Exchange, and Final Reminders on MARC Records Flipped Classroom and User Login Manager Cleanup

Magazines Now Available!, Member Idea Exchange, and Final Reminders on MARC Records Flipped Classroom and User Login Manager Cleanup

Welcome to the final Tuesday of the month! Cooler temperatures may be settling in, but we’re hopeful that this week’s message will bring a little warmth to your day. ● ● ● Magazines Now Available! Just in case you missed the announcement last week, magazines are now available in the WSDLC collection! Features of Sora’s magazines collectionContinue Reading Magazines Now Available!, Member Idea Exchange, and Final Reminders on MARC Records Flipped Classroom and User Login Manager Cleanup