WSDLC Board Nominations

WSDLC Board Nominations

Nominations are now being accepted for 5 seats on the WSDLC board. The operational guidelines for the consortium call for the WSDLC board to include one representative from each CESA area, elected from the area’s participating districts’ member representatives. Board members are asked to meet certain expectations: To participate in all meetings: meetings are held viaContinue Reading WSDLC Board Nominations

New Member Webinar

New Member Webinar

OverDrive and WiLS will be hosting a webinar for new members on Tuesday, February 19th from 9-10 a.m. CST.Please use the following link to join: hope you will be able to join us!

Fall Enrollment is Closed

Fall Enrollment is Closed

Thank you to everyone who signed up for the WSDLC during the fall enrollment period. We had over 30 new districts join and we are excited to see the growth of the consortium. We will reopen enrollment January 2, 2019. Please look for updates here!

Welcome to the new WSDLC website!

Welcome to the new WSDLC website!

Welcome to the new home of the Wisconsin Schools Digital Library Consortium! Stay and take a look around to learn about the consortium and its work. We’ll post news and updates to this blog so keep an eye on this space! If you have any questions or comments, let us know at