Member Exchange Webinar: How Members are Encouraging Use by Staff today at 3:30 p.m

Member Exchange Webinar: How Members are Encouraging Use by Staff today at 3:30 p.m

A reminder that we are hosting a Member Exchange Webinar today from 3:30 to 4:15 p.m.  One of the most important factors in usage of K12 resources is understanding and buy-in from staff members. This webinar is an opportunity to ask questions, share what’s worked and brainstorm future ideas to engage your staff with theContinue Reading Member Exchange Webinar: How Members are Encouraging Use by Staff today at 3:30 p.m

WiLS World Short this Friday: Dr. Krista Aronson

WiLS World Short this Friday: Dr. Krista Aronson

We are very excited to be able to host Dr. Krista Aronson from Bates College, this Friday, January 17th from 1:00-2:00 p.m. Dr. Aronson’s work focuses on illuminating how people come to understand complex social constructs like race and ethnicity, including how children process and understand race as well as appropriate, effective and productive waysContinue Reading WiLS World Short this Friday: Dr. Krista Aronson

Welcome to 2020

Welcome to 2020

Good Morning Everyone, I hope each of you had a restful and restorative winter break. We are looking forward to a productive, fun and educational 2020. Here are few things to keep in mind for January and February: January has several training opportunities to take advantage of including: A Flipped Classroom on reports and collectionContinue Reading Welcome to 2020

Today’s Tip: Curating at the Advantage Level Does Not Allow Updates at the Consortium Level

Today’s Tip: Curating at the Advantage Level Does Not Allow Updates at the Consortium Level

We had a question come up earlier in the month about a district not being able to see curated collections.  We did all the typical troubleshooting to no avail. Our OverDrive reps stepped in and told us this:  When curating at the Advantage level, you no longer receive updates for the consortium collections.  You need to chooseContinue Reading Today’s Tip: Curating at the Advantage Level Does Not Allow Updates at the Consortium Level

December Flipped Classroom: Curation! Schedule 1-on-1 for 12/12 or 12/19

December Flipped Classroom: Curation! Schedule 1-on-1 for 12/12 or 12/19

The December Flipped Classroom is now available.  This month’s topic is curation and there are some videos and other things to help you get started. If you’d like some advice on creating curated lists, the OverDrive team is ready to help you with 20-minute one-on-one sessions: 12/12:  9-11 12/19: 9-11 Contact Connie ( ) to schedule your session.Continue Reading December Flipped Classroom: Curation! Schedule 1-on-1 for 12/12 or 12/19

Hold Redelivery Coming to Sora in 2020

Hold Redelivery Coming to Sora in 2020

To give students more control over their holds and help your waitlists cycle more efficiently, OverDrive is planning updates to holds functionality. What does this mean?  In early 2020, OverDrive will remove auto-checkout from Sora and introduce hold redelivery. Hold redelivery will allow students to freeze holds even after they’re made available to them and maintain theirContinue Reading Hold Redelivery Coming to Sora in 2020

November Tiny Case Study: Graphic Novel Genre Study with Stephanie Judge

November Tiny Case Study: Graphic Novel Genre Study with Stephanie Judge

November is a plentiful month of training opportunities for WSDLC Members.  A reminder that it is Advantage month and we have opportunities for you to work one-on-one with OverDrive specialists to answer questions about all things Advantage. We are so pleased to offer a tiny case study from Stephanie Judge at Sauk Prairie School District. Stephanie identifiedContinue Reading November Tiny Case Study: Graphic Novel Genre Study with Stephanie Judge