Free Simultaneous Use Diverse Titles for Students Available Now

Free Simultaneous Use Diverse Titles for Students Available Now

Good Morning, OverDrive has donated a new collection of simultaneous/unlimited use titles – the Community Read: Own Voices & Diversity Books for Students collection – which includes over 50 titles from Lerner Publishing Group and Triangle Interactive. These free, unlimited use titles will be available through August 31, 2021 Please see the linked list below for individualContinue Reading Free Simultaneous Use Diverse Titles for Students Available Now

WSDLC Advantage Holds Report

WSDLC Advantage Holds Report

Good Afternoon, Attached is a list of titles with high holds by WSDLC member schools. We are providing this list to help reduce wait times on specific, in-demand titles and encourage schools on this list to purchase additional Advantage copies if they are able. Thank you!   WSDLC ADV Holds Report 072420

Links to Always Available Collections

Links to Always Available Collections

Last week the WSDLC added always available titles to the WSDLC shared collections. We are sharing links to the curated collections below. These titles are an excellent way to take advantage of classroom sets without the additional cost. Always Available Audiobooks Collection  Always Available Classics Collection In addition, Pottermore announced that Harry Potter and theContinue Reading Links to Always Available Collections

WSDLC Update

WSDLC Update

Good Morning, A quick update to let you know we are working with OverDrive to increase the content in the WSDLC collections including adding simultaneous use titles where available. We are meeting with OverDrive tomorrow, Tuesday March 17th, and will provide an update following that. Thank you and be well, Sara Gold

Hold Redelivery is LIVE

Hold Redelivery is LIVE

Good Afternoon Holds redelivery feature is now live. This feature has replaced auto-checkout for all new and existing holds. This feature gives users more flexibility to manage their holds and allows them to suspend a hold even after it’s made available to them while maintaining their place on the waitlist. By enabling users to pass booksContinue Reading Hold Redelivery is LIVE

WSDLC Board Nominations

WSDLC Board Nominations

Nominations are now being accepted for 4 seats on the WSDLC board. The operational guidelines for the consortium call for the WSDLC board to include one representative from each CESA area, elected from the area’s participating districts’ member representatives. Board members are asked to meet certain expectations: • To participate in all meetings: meetings are heldContinue Reading WSDLC Board Nominations

Please Read–Response Needed RE: WSDLC Operational Guidelines + Link to WSDLC Annual Meeting Slides and Recording

Please Read–Response Needed RE: WSDLC Operational Guidelines + Link to WSDLC Annual Meeting Slides and Recording

Thank you to those of you who attended the WSDLC Annual Meeting. We were fortunate to have an informative presentation by Lizette Serrano from Scholastic. In addition, attendees were asked to vote to approve changes to the WSDLC operational guidelines. According to our operational guidelines, changes to the guidelines are approved at the annual membershipContinue Reading Please Read–Response Needed RE: WSDLC Operational Guidelines + Link to WSDLC Annual Meeting Slides and Recording