WSDLC Governance


The WSDLC is governed by a Board consisting of members of the consortium and representatives from the partners (CESA Statewide Network, DPI, and WILS).  The consortium members either represent a specific CESA geographic area or are at-large representatives.

The WSDLC Board meets at a minimum of four times per year, typically in October, January, March, and April.

Current Governance List: includes Board and Selection Advisory Committee members

Selection Advisory Committee

The Selection Advisory Committee recommends the scope and direction of the collections included in the WSDLC.  They advise the project manager and vendors on operational collection decisions, including content to be included and budget allocations, as directed by the Board and Collection Development Policy.
Selection Advisory Committee Guidelines
(Charge, Membership, Member Expectations, and Meeting Schedule)


Policies & Guidelines

Collection Policy

Board Operational Guidelines

If you have any questions about this project, please contact the WSDLC Project Managers (