Flipped Classroom: MARC Records

This month, in our “flipped classroom,” we’re featuring MARC records.  Here’s how you can participate:


  1. Review the flipped classroom content about MARC records
    It includes documentation on how to access and download MARC records, how to upload the records into your Follett catalog, and more.
  2. Make an appointment to talk with OverDrive staff one-on-one.
    They’ll answer any questions you have about using the WSDLC MARC records at your school.  Timeslots are available on 10/16 from 9-12 and 10/21 from 1-4.  Contact Connie Bowman (cbowman@rakuten.overdrive.com) to schedule your appointment by 10/10 for 10/16 appointments and 10/14 for 10/21 appointments.  Connie can also help at others times…just contact her!

If you have any questions, please let us know!


WSDLC project managers