Sora available in additional languages!

We learned from OverDrive that Sora is now available in 9 languages in addition to English:
 Simplified Chinese
 Traditional Chinese
How can students update their language settings?
Students using Sora in a web browser at can easily update Sora’s display language from the welcome screen or the new Language settings option within the menu.
In the app for Android or iOS, Sora will automatically display in the language to which the student’s device is set.
Note: The displayed language updates Sora’s interface (the book reader, audiobook player, in-app help, and navigation), but does not change the language of the books your students can borrow. If you’re interested in content in a specific language, please contact your Account Manager.
How can I translate my curated and automated collections?
From the CURATE section of OverDrive Marketplace, you can add translated collection names and descriptions to of any of your school’s curated or automated lists. When editing or creating a collection, simply select the desired language from the Languagedrop-down and type in the corresponding translation for the collection name and description (Curate permission required). The collection names and descriptions that appear on Sora’s Explore tab will then dynamically update based on each students’ language settings.
Please click here for more information about this feature and visit our Resource Center for additional Sora training and instructional materials.
Please contact Amanda Lawman with additional questions about Sora at