WSDLC Meeting at WEMTA

The WSDLC is having a membership meeting at WEMTA on Monday, April 1st from 3:45 to 4:45 p.m. This is a regular session and is open to everyone including people interested in learning more about the WSDLC.

WILS will provide the results from the member survey, stats for 2018 and an update on the WSDLC. We have 5 WSDLC Board members who will be sharing their experiences of utilizing the WSDLC with staff and students as well as integrating the shared collection with their standalone collections. We hope you will be able to join us and encourage you to invite friends.

OverDrive is working on reading lists for Spring Break. You may receive a mailing directly from OverDrive in the next two weeks regarding this. Please contact Edwin Tucker at OverDrive with any questions at

Marvel Comics are now available through OverDrive. The WSDLC has added a collection of titles. We’d like to hear feedback from you as to whether a curated collection of comics through Sora is something you’d like to see. Please let us know if there are other areas you’d like to see curated as well.