Weekly Message: April 18th, 2023

Happy Tuesday!

Join us at the WSDLC Annual Meeting on Tuesday May 9th, with Special Guest Christina Dorr

All WSDLC members are welcome and encouraged to attend the WSDLC Annual Membership Meeting on Tuesday, May 9th from 3:30pm to 4:30pm!

Registration is open and accessible through this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UBIuZSBPShSnuY6bJWG-Xw

This meeting is open to everyone, so please feel free to share this link with others in your school or district who might be interested in attending this special event! The meeting will be recorded and shared out to all registrants.

We are very excited to welcome as guest speaker Christina Dorr, who will be leading a discussion on Profiles in Resilience: Seeing, respecting, providing resources for, and giving voice to, the youth that live in generational poverty that walk through your doors:
“Imposing middle class values on youth living in generational poverty is counterproductive. It’s only when we understand the lives they lead, and the values they hold, that we can begin to provide the resources and support they need. We’ll talk through some research, my experience both as a child growing up in generational poverty, and my time as a school librarian. Included will be select children/teen books and how the stories and illustrations reflect both the joys and the challenges of these youths’ lives.”

Following Christina’s exciting and impactful discussion, the WSDLC Project Managers will share highlights from 2022, provide an overview of the results of the member survey that was completed earlier this spring, and talk about what’s on the horizon for the WSDLC.

We’d also like to give a huge shoutout and thank you to OverDrive for sponsoring this event!

Thank you all very much, and we hope to see you there!

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Flipped Classrooms: Marketing

April begins our final month of the WSDLC’s Flipped Classroom training program, and it focuses on Marketing and Training! We know this is a hot topic for many of you, and we hope that the ideas and resources we’ve pulled together here can work as a jumping point to implement your own marketing strategies. Included are:

  • Lists of marketing techniques and actions from other WSDLC members and from the OverDrive team;
  • Links to the OverDrive blog’s school library marketing spotlight and previous School Stars winners;
  • Downloadable/Printable flyers, bookmarks, social media images, a coloring page, and so much more that are free to use; and
  • Training Modules from OverDrive that you can send to your students and teachers!

What are the WSDLC’s Flipped Classrooms?
The WSDLC offers a self-paced training series to help new members get oriented (and as a refresher for returning members) with their membership and the Sora collections. Every month, a different topic and set of materials are highlighted to help guide members throughout the school year. The content of these Flipped Classrooms is intended for Library Media Specialists and anyone else that may help to manage school/district library resources, OverDrive Advantage purchasing, and digital classroom materials. Materials are available for members to review independently, and OverDrive staff are ready to schedule one-on-one 20-minute sessions to answer members’ questions.
You can find more information on WSDLC Training opportunities and materials here: https://wsdlc.org/training/
Find the full calendar of self-paced training topics here: https://wsdlc.org/training/wsdlc-training-schedule/

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In the Community: Forums and Webinars This Week

WEMTA’s Intellectual Freedom Forum, Today @ 6:30pm
Would you like to know more about the Intellectual Freedom landscape in Wisconsin? WEMTA members have an opportunity to join in monthly discussions on Intellectual Freedom and what it means for Wisconsin school libraries.

The next Intellectual Freedom Forum is happening this evening, Tuesday, April 18th, at 6:30pm.
All attendees must be WEMTA members, and must register ahead of time.
Registration details are available on WEMTA’s Events page.
Not a WEMTA member? Find out how to join here. (It’s free!)

*Begins Tomorrow* OverDrive Webinar – Sora Essentials: The Reader Experience
Ready to learn the basics of Sora so you can start exploring and help others get started, too? Join us live for our demo and ask questions of our K-12 experts.
This session is primarily a demonstration of the user experience in Sora, the student reading app. Students and educators have access to all of the same great features within the app. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to:
Sign in with your school credentials
Browse, borrow, and enjoy ebooks & audiobooks
Personalize the reading experience with adjustable settings
Define words & create annotations
Add a public library to expand access to even more digital books

Date: Daily from April 19 – May 12!
Time: 2:00pm
Registration Link: https://overdrive.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9LSkcAtDQXmM-4DKMjmafw

*Begins Thursday* OverDrive Webinar – Marketplace Essentials: The Shopping & Admin Portal
Ready to learn the basics of Marketplace, the shopping and administrative portal? Join us live for our demo and ask questions of our K-12 experts.
This session is primarily a demonstration of OverDrive Marketplace, the shopping and administrative portal. We’ll explore Marketplace through the lens of a first-time user, including how to:
Browse the catalog
Build and purchase a cart
Assign a title
Run a report and view Sora activity
Access your account team’s contact information
Date: Weekly from April 20 – May 10!
Time: 11:00am
Registration Link: https://overdrive.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MBSYZEMuTu6tIE274Io7_w

*Note: The OverDrive Webinars are not WSDLC-specific, and may cover options/settings that are not available for consortium members.

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Send Us Your Tiny Case Studies!

WSDLC’s Tiny Case Studies are brief, practical summaries of outstanding things that some WSDLC members are doing that involve Sora and serve as an opportunity for members to share a WSDLC-related problem they had and how they solved it. We highlight these Tiny Case Studies during various Flipped Classroom months, but you can also view them all by clicking the following link or copy/pasting it into your browser: https://wsdlc.org/training/tiny-case-studies/.

If you’ve done something lately that you’d like to share with the WSDLC Community, let us know! Maybe you’ve put together some creative marketing, started a student reading bookclub, cleared a hurdle with getting students to team up for 2023’s Battle of the Books, engaged your school’s teachers on how they can utilize these resources in their classroom, or made a successful case for funding. No idea or accomplishment is too small!

You can submit your tiny case study idea by email at wsdlc-info@wils.org or complete the idea form, and we will reach out to you with the next steps!

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The WSDLC project managers and the team at OverDrive are always available if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.
Not sure who to contact? Check out this handy guide on the WSDLC website: https://wsdlc.org/who-to-contact-with-questions/.