Weekly Message: May 31st, 2022

Congratulations on another great school year, and thank you all SO much for everything you do to teach and assist Wisconsin students!
Because we don’t want to flood your inboxes through the summer, this will be our final weekly message for a while. You will continue to receive emails for important updates to the WSDLC as they come up and monthly renewal reminders for schools/districts that haven’t responded yet. We will also send out another message akin to this in mid-June with general updates, usage stats, and other exciting happenings before restarting the weekly messaging at the end of July.


WSDLC Project Managers will be here all summer, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions, suggestions, or comments!


Have a wonderful summer, everyone!

Thank You for a Great Annual Membership Meeting!

Last week (Tuesday, May 24), we held the annual WSDLC Membership Meeting. There was an excellent turnout, and we were thrilled to share with everyone that the WSDLC is still growing by leaps and bounds: There were over 1 million checkouts in 2021 and over 2 million checkouts since the WSDLC began, there are more students than ever accessing the collections, and there were over 46,000 new copies/titles of materials purchased in 2021. We also shared the results of the WSDLC Board Elections held this past Spring: there were 3 re-elected members, 4 newly elected members, 1 seat that will be vacant, 4 re-appointed members, and 1 newly appointed member. And we discussed what’s coming in the year ahead, including how we’re working with OverDrive to make updates to the Sora platform and consortium membership pricing. We are also excited to share that the updates and changes made to the Operational Guidelines were approved unanimously.


If you missed the 2022 Membership Meeting, you can watch the recording here: https://youtu.be/8E5f-cIUJ4w


Links that were shared during the presentation, as well as the presentation slides, can be found below:
Operational Guidelines (Unanimously Approved)


Thank you again for another great year in the WSDLC!
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From OverDrive: Leveraging Sora for Curriculum

WSDLC’s Account Executive Connie Bowman has created a 5-minute video full of great ideas, tips, and tricks that outlines the ways WSDLC members can leverage Sora for curriculum! This video covers getting the right books into students’ hands at the right time, personalization features, and dashboard reporting.
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Sora Sweet Reads Is On!

OverDrive’s annual summer reading program Sora Sweet Reads began on May 4th! Throughout the summer, a collection of free, simultaneous use titles intended to encourage students to keep reading all summer long are available for checkout. This collection will remain available through August 17th.
You can find out more about this program on the Sora Sweet Reads page.
You can view the collection in Sora through this [shareable!] link: https://soraapp.com/library/wsdlcwi/campaign-sora-sweet-reads/page-1
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Final Day for the WSDLC’s Reach More Readers Challenge!

Today is the final day for new students to log in to Sora, check out a title, and be counted towards your school’s new user growth (comparing March 2022 to May 2022).


What Is the Reach More Readers Challenge?
The WSDLC is hosting a contest during the month of May to help member schools get Sora on their students’ radars before they depart for the summer! Every school has been automatically entered into this competition; all you need to do is spread the word and get as many students as you can to log in to Sora and check out [at least] one title between May 1 and May 31! The school district(s) that have seen the greatest increase in the number of students checking out materials in Sora between March and May will be declared the winner! Winners will receive a package of Sora swag, which includes some comfy sweatshirts!
You can find more information on the Reach More Readers Challenge and links to marketing materials, ideas, and QR Codes for curated collections here.


We’ll announce the contest winners in June’s midsummer update email!


Thank you for your great work, and good luck!
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Available Now: Annual MARC Records Files

Each year, WSDLC Project Managers receive a file of MARC records for all titles available in the collection, broken down by Juvenile, YA, and Adult.
This file has been posted to the WSDLC website, and can be found here: https://wsdlc.org/for-members/collection-information/
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Reminder: OverDrive IP Address Update (for some members) Coming in October

This update will only affect members that use LDAP, SIP or Patron API. 
Members that use Google, Follett, ClassLink or User Login Manager will not be affected and can ignore this messaging.

Schools that use LDAP, SIP or Patron API should share the information below with your technical staff at your school:
As part of OverDrive’s commitment to providing best-in-class services, we are updating our network configuration on October 10, 2022. At that time, OverDrive’s IP addresses will change from to
Please share this message with technical staff at your library.
Action required
You may currently be allowing, and through your firewall for OverDrive to connect with your ILS/LMS to authenticate users during the sign in process. If so, you need to update your firewall before October 10, 2022, to allow the following subnet: This will ensure there is no disruption for your users. For now, please continue to allow, and through your firewall.
If your authentication service is hosted offsite by your ILS/LMS vendor, we recommend contacting them to confirm you are ready for the updated IP addresses.
Additionally, in rare circumstances, some institutions filter outbound network access to specific IP addresses. If your institution does this, you will need to add to your allow list to ensure your users can still access OverDrive from within your network after this change.
What’s next?
OverDrive will send a follow up message in October confirming that this migration is complete and it is safe to remove the legacy IP addresses from your firewall.
If you have any additional questions, please reach out to our team via the Authentication Support button under the Support tab in OverDrive Marketplace.
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The WSDLC project managers and the team at OverDrive are always available if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.
Not sure who to contact? Check out this handy guide on the WSDLC website:  https://wsdlc.org/who-to-contact-with-questions/.