Magazines Now Available!, Member Idea Exchange, and Final Reminders on MARC Records Flipped Classroom and User Login Manager Cleanup

Welcome to the final Tuesday of the month! Cooler temperatures may be settling in, but we’re hopeful that this week’s message will bring a little warmth to your day.

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Magazines Now Available!

Just in case you missed the announcement last week, magazines are now available in the WSDLC collection! Features of Sora’s magazines collection include:
  • New issues of titles will automatically appear in the school’s individual collection as they become available (title availability may vary by region).
  • Back issues up to rolling two years for most titles.
  • Reflowable text: text and supplementary images for articles are provided as HTML elements.
  • Magazines don’t count toward student checkout limits, but they do count towards the school library’s overall circulation of content.
  • Usage data is available to authorized educators in a secure student reading dashboard.
You can view the curated collection of magazines through this [shareable!] link: 

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Member Idea Exchange: How Have You Engaged Students and Staff in Using Sora?

This month’s Member Idea Exchange is focusing on promotion, increasing awareness, and improving engagement with Sora resources!
You can use this opportunity to share what you have been doing to help your students and staff get the most out of your Sora collections. Feel free to say as much- or as little- about it as you would like. Insert images or links for what you’ve done. Sign your name, your school, or leave it anonymous. No amount of effort or engagement is too small to share!
This is also a chance for members to see what other schools around the state are doing, and how they can apply or adapt some of these methods within their own schools!
You can share your own successes, and read how other WSDLC members have been promoting Sora in the Member Exchange: What Methods Have You Used to Raise Awareness and Improve Engagement with Sora? Google Doc.
Or copy & paste this link in to your browser:

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Flipped Classrooms: MARC Records is finishing up. Advantage Accounts & Marketplace Begins on Monday!

We’re getting to the final days of the MARC Records flipped classroom. This asynchronous training lays out the types of MARC records available through OverDrive and the WSDLC, and details how these records can be managed and uploaded into the Destiny catalog.
On Monday November 1st, the Advantage Accounts & Marketplace Flipped Classroom will begin. This flipped classroom introduces the Advantage program, and shows how users how they can use Marketplace to make the most with their Advantage accounts.
During our Flipped Classroom months, materials on various topics are available for members to review, and OverDrive staff is ready to schedule one-on-one 20-minute sessions to answer your questions. If you have any questions or comments on the flipped classroom content, please let us know; we’d love to hear what you’re thinking! 

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Reminder: User Login Manager Cleanup

For our members that use User Login Manager, October gives a good opportunity to clean things up! Over the next few weeks, please go through and make sure to add credentials for new students and remove those students who have left your school or district.  For more information on how to do this, please reach out to Amanda Lawman at

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The WSDLC project managers and the team at OverDrive are always available if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.
Not sure who to contact? Check out this handy guide on the WSDLC website: