WSDLC and OverDrive are Offering Back to School Sessions

Good Morning,
Welcome back to a most unusual school year. We are excited to offer two refresher sessions on Sora and Marketplace.  On Tuesday, September 22nd and Wednesday, September 23rd, the WSDLC project managers and OverDrive will offer 1-hour sessions to get users acquainted or reacquainted with Sora and features in OverDrive’s Marketplace.
To participate, please choose the zoom link for the day that works best for you. * Note: links are the SAME for each day.
Tuesday, September 22nd, 3-4 p.m.
Passcode: 347133
Wednesday, September 23rd, 3-4 p.m.
Passcode: 347133
At least one of these sessions will be recorded, in case you are not able to attend live.  We will post and send out the recording afterward.
Thank you!
The WSDLC Project Managers