Simultaneous Use Titles Added to WSDLC

Good Afternoon,
We have just added 125 simultaneous use audio titles from Blackstone and Tantor to the WSDLC. These titles will be curated into an Always Available Audio collection as Overdrive staff has capacity. These titles will be available to anyone with no holds until March 19, 2020.  In addition there are 146 simultaneous use Duke Classic ebook titles that were added this morning and will be curated into a Classics All the Time collection.
The Sora titles added earlier are available until June 30, 2020. All sim use titles are in this linked list: Always Available Ebooks and Audiobooks in WSDLC.  Please note: there is some duplication of titles in the Duke Classics list and the Sora list.
We encourage you to share the list widely with staff to help facilitate online learning.
Thank you!