We’re also in the final days of January, which also means it’s the final days of this month’s Flipped Classroom content that focuses on Marketing & Training; then in February we’ll start talking about Holds Management- both for Advantage Collections and an overview of some of the tools and processes the consortium does to manage holds at the statewide level.
This week’s message wraps up with a Tiny Case Study out of Menasha Joint School District, and details on how members can share their hard work and Sora-related wins with the rest of the WSDLC community.
Take care, all~
New Titles This Week
We typically save the “New Titles Added…” lists until the second week of the month, but yesterday a whole array of materials were purchased and curated that we didn’t want to wait! Based on feedback from the WSDLC Selection Advisory Committee and Board, the shared collection now includes a whole new selection of non-fiction biographies and the newly-announced winners of ALA Book Awards. All-in-all, 237 new titles were added into the collections in one of these two areas! (More titles were purchased yesterday as well, in the usual collection development areas of holds, expiring MA content, and preorders; but we’ll share those lists in the typical 2nd-week-of-the-month routine.)
All of these 237 new titles (biographies and award winners) have been added to a new tab on the New Titles spreadsheet. Many of these titles are also included in various curations that are live on Sora, so we’re also sharing links for many of those curations here (which you can also share with your students in online marketing).
New Titles (full collection of all new additions)
New Non Fiction
New audiobook additions
Also curated of newly added titles are
New! Capstone Pebble Readalong Non-Fiction
New Titles for Early Readers
And while we’re sharing links to curated collections, we might as well take a moment to also highlight the Golden Archer Award Winners collections:
Golden Archer Primary
Golden Archer Intermediate
Golden Archer Middle
Golden Archer Senior
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From OverDrive: “Your First 90 Days” in a Shared Collection Training Module!
OverDrive just released a brand new resource, geared towards schools (and library staff!) who are new to a shared collection like the WSDLC, and we couldn’t wait to share it with you!
In this all-new, self-paced module, Sora shared collection: Your first 90 days will guide new users through common terms and definitions; best practices; how-tos; and resources, steps, and ideas to get your students using Sora; and offers up a timeline for library staff to follow to make the most out of their membership in a shared collection.
Whether you’re new to the WSDLC, would like a refresher, or even if you’re well past your first 90 days in the WSDLC, we encourage you to review this resource, as there are so many helpful tips, tricks, and links within.
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Flipped Classroom: Marketing & Training Ending Soon; Managing Holds begins Saturday!
This month’s Flipped Classroom is covering Marketing & Training, which we know this is a hot topic for many of you. We’ve given it a little refresh this year, and we hope that the ideas and resources we’ve pulled together here can work as a jumping point to implement your own marketing strategies. Included are:
- Lists of marketing techniques and actions from other WSDLC members and from the OverDrive team;
- Links to the OverDrive blog’s school library marketing spotlight and previous School Stars winners;
- Downloadable/Printable flyers, bookmarks, social media images, a coloring page, and so much more that are free to use; and
- Training Modules from OverDrive that you can send to your students, teachers, and caregivers!
Beginning on February 1st is the next installation of the Flipped Classroom series: Managing Holds. This topic covers the three best ways to manage holds, why it’s something you’d want to do, and an overview on what the consortium does to manage holds.
And if nothing else, you should definitely pop into the Managing Holds Flipped Classroom to view (and share!) a quirky-and-fun short video a WSDLC Member created to share with her students to help encourage them to retrieve their digital holds. (Trust us- it’s fantastic!)
You can find more information on WSDLC Training opportunities and materials here: https://wsdlc.org/training/
Find the full calendar of self-paced training topics here: https://wsdlc.org/training/wsdlc-training-schedule/
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Tiny Case Studies: Getting Buy-In From Key Stakeholders
January’s training materials comes with a side of a Tiny Case Study! This month, we’re highlighting the Tiny Case Study Getting Buy-In From Key Stakeholders, submitted by Menasha Joint School District’s Jennifer Peterson!
Description: “You finally have ebooks, but now how do you get people to start using them? Who should you start with? How do you spread the word and garner interest?”
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The WSDLC project managers and the team at OverDrive are always available if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.
Not sure who to contact? Check out this handy guide on the WSDLC website: https://wsdlc.org/who-to-contact-with-questions/.