Weekly Message: September 27th, 2022

Hello Tuesday! This week’s message includes reminders on this week’s training events (a webinar and the WSDLC’s Flipped Classroom training series), an exciting announcement on MARC record availability, and an update on WSDLC invoicing.

Tomorrow: New Member Webinar at 3:30pm

Whether you are a new member of the WSDLC or a returning member that would like a refresher, everyone is invited to join OverDrive Account Manager Lena Richardson in a New Member Webinar on Wednesday, September 28th at 3:30pm! Lena will cover the ins and outs of OverDrive Marketplace and Sora and show attendees how to make the most of an Advantage Account, touching on custom curation, curricular use, new tools, and more!
You can register to attend here: https://overdrive.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_81wn4RmPSKqHeq_PMtWaBw
This webinar will be recorded, and the link to the recording will be shared out for those who can’t attend.

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Flipped Classrooms: Getting Started Finishing Up; MARC Records Begins Saturday

The WSDLC offers a self-paced training series to help new members get oriented (and as a refresher for returning members) with their membership and the Sora collections. Every month, a different topic and set of materials are highlighted to help guide members throughout the school year. The content of these Flipped Classrooms is intended for Library Media Specialists and anyone else that may help to manage school/district library resources, OverDrive Advantage purchasing, and digital classroom materials. Materials are available for members to review independently, and OverDrive staff are ready to schedule one-on-one 20-minute sessions to answer members’ questions.
This month’s theme is Getting Started!

How can students checkout titles in Sora? Can I listen to an audiobook offline? How can I find a book in OverDrive Marketplace to purchase for my school’s Advantage account? What are each of the different lending models? You can find answers to these questions and more in this month’s Flipped Classroom: Getting Started.
Click the link or copy and paste it into your browser to get started with Getting Started: https://wsdlc.org/getting-started-with-flipped-classrooms/

Looking ahead: October 1st begins our next Flipped Classroom: MARC Records. The MARC Records flipped classroom may be short and sweet, but it is packed with helpful information for members. This lesson introduces members to the kinds of MARC records available through OverDrive and the WSDLC, and details how these records can be managed and uploaded into the Destiny catalog.

You can find more information on WSDLC Training opportunities and materials here: https://wsdlc.org/training/
Find the full calendar of self-paced training topics here: https://wsdlc.org/training/wsdlc-training-schedule/

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Coming Soon: MARC Records Will Be Available Quarterly on the WSDLC Website!

Thanks to a wonderful suggestion from a WSDLC member, MARC records for all titles in the shared collection will now be made available quarterly! These quarterly MARC record files will be separated by Content Access Levels, and will be available for download from the WSDLC website. By making these files available for members quarterly, schools won’t need to spend as much time downloading MARC records from Marketplace and grappling with files from purchased carts that cannot be separated by content access levels (we’re looking at you RTL cart purchases). These quarterly updates will also catch any titles that have been updated to a new content access level after initial purchase, and will make sure your school’s catalog matches the access levels in Sora.

A brand new set of MARC records will be available to download as a ZIP file soon; we will let you all know when they are available.

Many thank yous to the WSDLC’s OverDrive Product Support Specialist, Amanda Izuka-Lawman, for generating these files and making them available quarterly!

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Final Rounds of WSDLC Invoices Are Sending This Week

WiLS has been sending out WSDLC invoices for the 2022-23 membership year in batches each week of September, and the final round of invoices is expected to be sent out today. ?
If you find that your school/district hasn’t received your invoice(s) by next week, please reach out to the WSDLC Project Managers, and we’ll get a copy of the invoice to you and/or your WSDLC Billing Contact. And as always, if you have any questions about your WSDLC invoice, or need to make any adjustments, please reach out to us at wsdlc-info@wils.org.

We’d also like to give a special shoutout to the WiLS Financials team for generating and sending out the over 200 invoices flawlessly each and every year! Thank you so, SO much!

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The WSDLC project managers and the team at OverDrive are always available if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.
Not sure who to contact? Check out this handy guide on the WSDLC website: https://wsdlc.org/who-to-contact-with-questions/.