Weekly Message: May 17th, 2022

Happy Tuesday! We’re coming to the final week(s) of the school year, and we have so many exciting opportunities to share with you as you prepare for the summer!


Next Week: The Annual WSDLC Membership Meeting

Registration for the Annual WSDLC Membership meeting is open!
This event will be held virtually on Tuesday May 24th, from 3:30pm until 4:30pm.

You can register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIuf-qqqj4pGNMk-hZ0z6qJagjJdVuDJAqw
This meeting is open to everyone, so please feel free to share this link with others in your school or district who might be interested in attending this special event!
The meeting will be recorded and shared out to all registrants.

Guest Speakers

We are very excited to welcome Jenny Kalvaitis and Kristen Whitson, co-authors of We Will Always Be Here: A Guide to Understanding LGBTQ+ Activism in Wisconsin as our guest speakers.

Jenny and Kristen wrote their book in honor of Wisconsin’s LGBTQ+ historical figures and events and to inspire future action. While the arc of the moral universe bends towards justice, it is up to us to do the bending: together, a bit at a time, every day. Kalvaitis and Whitson will discuss the struggles and successes of LGBTQ+ history in Wisconsin, sharing strategies for resilience and moments of hope for a more just, inclusive future. We will remember that we are not alone in this fight, we have each other, and we stand on the shoulders of generations of activists.

If you have any questions for the authors that you’d like to ask ahead of time, let us know by completing the form available here.

Following this discussion, attending members will be asked for their vote to approve the WSDLC’s Operational Guidelines (more details below), and Project Managers will provide highlights from the member survey that was completed earlier this spring, a WSDLC year in review, and what’s on the horizon for the consortium.

Operational Guidelines

The WSDLC Operational Guidelines provide structure to the Consortium and provide guidance to the Board, Partners and Project Manager on how the WSDLC should be run. Each year the guidelines are reviewed by the WSDLC Board and suggestions for revisions are made. WSDLC Member Representatives are asked to review changes to the Operational Guidelines prior to the Annual Membership Meeting so they can be prepared to vote on the revisions.

Click here to view the “marked up copy” of the Operational Guidelines with the proposed revisions.

Click here to view a “clean copy” of the Operational Guidelines with the proposed revisions incorporated.

Please reach out to WSDLC-info@wils.org with questions or comments regarding these proposed changes.

We’d also like to give a huge shoutout and thank you to OverDrive for sponsoring this event!

You can find additional details on the annual meeting on the WSDLC website.

We hope to see you there!


OverDrive Webinar: Making the Most of Your OverDrive Advantage Account

Coming up on Tuesday May 24th at 1:00pm, OverDrive is hosting a webinar that we are excited to share with you all! Making the Most of Your OverDrive Advantage Account will provide an overview of what you can do with your Advantage account, and some tips and tricks on how you can best utilize it. Whether you’re a new member to the WSDLC, your school has a new staff member, or if you’ve been a part of the WSDLC for a while and would like a refresher, there will be something for you in this webinar.

Webinar Description

Advantage is a program where members of a consortium can purchase and curate additional titles exclusively for their users. Join us as we explore the subtle but powerful impact of building and managing an Advantage collection in OverDrive Marketplace.

In this 60-minute session, you’ll learn:

-An overview of Advantage and how it works
-Best practices for building and maintaining a successful collection
-Answers to common questions and misconceptions

Audience: This session will benefit public library, professional, and academic partners who are new to Advantage or would like a refresher.

Note: We understand the timing may not suit everyone but signing up ensures that a recording is sent the day after the live session so you can view at your convenience

Register here: https://overdrive.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7eVnI9fETr-O_cxB3tyl0w


There Is Still Time to Participate In WSDLC’s Reach More Readers Challenge!

The WSDLC is hosting a contest during the month of May to help member schools get Sora on their students’ radars before they depart for the summer!

Every school is automatically entered into this competition; all you need to do is spread the word and get as many students as you can to log in to Sora and check out [at least] one title between May 1st and May 31st! The school district(s) that have seen the greatest increase in the number of students checking out materials in Sora between March and May will be declared the winner! Winners will receive a package of Sora swag, which includes some comfy sweatshirts!

You can find more information on the Reach More Readers Challenge and links to marketing materials, ideas, and QR Codes for curated collections here.

So get ahead of the summer slide, increase awareness of the WSDLC collections, and maybe even score some Sora swag by encouraging your students to participate in a friendly competition with other schools across the state!


Sora Sweet Reads Is On!

OverDrive’s annual summer reading program, Sora Sweet Reads began earlier this month! On May 4th a new collection of free, simultaneous use titles were added to the WSDLC collections! These titles are meant to encourage students to keep reading all summer long, and will remain available through August 17th.

You can find out more about this program on the Sora Sweet Reads page.

You can view the collection in Sora through this [shareable!] link: https://soraapp.com/library/wsdlcwi/campaign-sora-sweet-reads/page-1


​In Case You Missed It:

New Comics Added to the Collections!

Yesterday (Monday), additional comic titles were added to the WSDLC collections at no cost to the consortium. Each title has been reviewed to ensure it has the correct content access level assigned to it. Preview the All Access Comics additions by grade level:

Lower Grades
Middle Grades
Upper Grades 

​Contact Information Updates from OverDrive

WSDLC Project Managers sent out a message earlier this week to member schools’ main contacts as a reminder that OverDrive needs to know of any changes to schools’ authentication methods.

This message has each authentication method conveniently laid out along with what information OverDrive may need to be updated on. If you did not receive this email but would like to, please let us know at wsdlc-info@wils.org, and we can get that to you right away!

Additionally, our partners at OverDrive hope to make sure their contact records are up to date this summer. Please email the WSDLC’s Product Support Specialist Amanda Izuka- Lawman at aizuka-lawman@overdrive.com with your main IT person’s contact information, including name and email address.

Other notes,

  • If any authentication changes need to be made, such as switching authentication methods, please contact Amanda (aizuka-lawman@overdrive.com) as soon as possible to set this in motion.
  • Please contact Amanda (aizuka-lawman@overdrive.com) with any staffing changes so she can update OverDrive’s records and help make sure the appropriate access is given and we can help get new staff set up!
  • Explore integrations you can make this summer with your LMS or SIS.


OverDrive IP Address Update – Coming in October

This update will only affect members that use LDAP, SIP or Patron API.
Members that use Google, Follett, ClassLink or User Login Manager will not be affected and can ignore this messaging.

A message from OverDrive was sent out earlier this week that we want to make sure you don’t miss, as it holds important information that will affect your school’s access if you use LDAP, SIP or Patron API. If you use one of these three authentication options, please share this information with your technical staff at your school. (If your school uses Google, Follett, ClassLink or User Login Manager, you don’t need to worry about these changes.)

As part of OverDrive’s commitment to providing best-in-class services, we are updating our network configuration on October 10, 2022. At that time, OverDrive’s IP addresses will change from to

Please share this message with technical staff at your library.

Action required

You may currently be allowing, and through your firewall for OverDrive to connect with your ILS/LMS to authenticate users during the sign in process. If so, you need to update your firewall before October 10, 2022, to allow the following subnet: This will ensure there is no disruption for your users. For now, please continue to allow, and through your firewall.

If your authentication service is hosted offsite by your ILS/LMS vendor, we recommend contacting them to confirm you are ready for the updated IP addresses.

Additionally, in rare circumstances, some institutions filter outbound network access to specific IP addresses. If your institution does this, you will need to add to your allow list to ensure your users can still access OverDrive from within your network after this change.

What’s next?

OverDrive will send a follow up message in October confirming that this migration is complete and it is safe to remove the legacy IP addresses from your firewall.

If you have any additional questions, please reach out to our team via the Authentication Support button under the Support tab in OverDrive Marketplace.


The WSDLC project managers and the team at OverDrive are always available if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.

Not sure who to contact? Check out this handy guide on the WSDLC website:  https://wsdlc.org/who-to-contact-with-questions/.