WSLDC Membership Survey ● 2022-23 Renewal Info ● Join Us At WEMTA ● New Flipped Classroom: Purchasing

Rabbit rabbit! This week, we have some helpful information for you as we prepare for another membership year, and maybe even get to see some of you in person soon (which we are SO excited for!)

The Annual WSDLC Membership Survey is Available

The 2022 WSDLC Member Survey is an opportunity for members to provide valuable feedback to the WSDLC Board and Project Managers. The survey will help the WSDLC Board with the further development of the Consortium and the OverDrive service. We will share the survey results with the WSDLC membership at the April membership meeting.

Your responses by March 15th will be greatly appreciated.

The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Thank you again for your time and thoughts!

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2022-23 Membership Renewal Information

Now that March is upon us, we know that many of you are beginning to work on your budgets for the upcoming year, secure POs, and plan your subscription renewals.

We hope to send out 2022-23 renewal quotes soon; however, we don’t have all the information we need quite yet: WSDLC renewal pricing is based on DPI’s certified enrollment numbers for the previous academic year. To calculate costs for the 2022-23 WSDLC membership year, we will be using the FTE data for 2021-22, which DPI hasn’t been released yet. These numbers should become available soon, and we are checking WISEdash daily for their release. Once these numbers become available, we will calculate the 2022-23 membership costs, and quotes will be emailed to your WSDLC Main Contact. (Not sure who your Main Contact is? You can reach out to us at to find out!)

As a reminder, in March 2021, the WSDLC Board approved a 3% increase for each of the following three membership years. The price will be $1.60 per student for the 22-23 membership year.

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Join Us Next Week At WEMTA!

Please join the WSDLC, along with WiLS Coop and Recollection Wisconsin, at WEMTA on March 6th and 7th! Please stop by and say hi to our team members in the exhibit hall on Monday at booth number 115, where Sara Gold, Rebecca Rosenstiel, and Nick Smith will be available to chat. While you’re there, be sure to stop by OverDrive’s booth in the exhibit hall, too, where you’ll find the WSDLC’s very own Connie Bowman at booth number 215.
That’s not all! Sara Gold will be hosting a session to provide an update on the WSDLC on Monday, March 7th, at 3:30 pm.

We hope to see you there!

WEMTA’s annual conference is scheduled for Sunday March 6th – Tuesday March 8th. You can learn more about this conference, and register to attend, here.

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Flipped Classroom: Purchasing

With a new month comes a new Flipped Classroom, and in March, we’ll be taking a look at Purchasing! Some aspects of purchasing have been covered in previous months, but this is such a hefty topic that it deserved its own month.

In this Flipped Classroom, you’ll get an inside look at how titles are selected and purchased for the Consortium, and you’ll also find more details on how to purchase titles for your Advantage account: learn how to build and manage carts, add content credit, adjust the content access level for your purchases, and read some tips and tricks on how to avoid accidentally purchasing titles more than once (when you don’t necessarily mean to)!

During our Flipped Classroom months, materials on various topics are available for members to review, and OverDrive staff is ready to schedule one-on-one 20-minute sessions to answer your questions. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments on the flipped classroom content; we’d love to hear what you’re thinking!

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The WSDLC project managers and the team at OverDrive are always available if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.
Not sure who to contact? Check out this handy guide on the WSDLC website: