Annual WSDLC Membership Survey ● OverDrive Webinar TODAY ● Join Us At WEMTA March 6th-7th

Happy “Twos-day” everyone!

The Annual WSDLC Membership Survey is Available

The 2022 WSDLC Member Survey is an opportunity for members to provide valuable feedback to the WSDLC Board and Project Managers. The survey will be used to help the WSDLC Board with the further development of the Consortium and the OverDrive service. The survey results will be shared with the WSDLC membership at the April membership meeting.

Your responses by March 15th will be greatly appreciated.

The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Thank you again for your time and thoughts!

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Join OverDrive for a New Member Webinar TODAY!

It’s not too late to register to attend! This afternoon at 3:00pm, join OverDrive Account Manager Lena Richardson and Account Executive Connie Bowman as they host an hour-long webinar exploring the WSDLC collections in Sora and Marketplace! This webinar is open to everyone enrolled in the WSDLC, but is being presented for our newest members in particular. If you began your membership after September 2021, or if you are a veteran member who would like a refresher or have new staff who could benefit from a walkthrough, register before 3pm today!
When: Feb 22, 2022, 03:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Topic: OverDrive & WSDLC Training

Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
This session will be recorded and shared with registrants.

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Join Us At WEMTA!

Please join the WSDLC, along with WiLS Coop and Recollection Wisconsin, at WEMTA on March 6th and 7th! Stop by and say hi to our team members in the exhibit hall on Monday, where Sara Gold, Rebecca Rosenstiel, and Nick Smith will be available to chat. That’s not all! Sara Gold will be hosting a session to provide an update on the WSDLC on Monday, March 7th at 3:30 pm. We hope to see you there!

WEMTA’s annual conference is scheduled for Sunday March 6th – Tuesday March 8th. You can learn more about this conference, and register to attend, here.

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Final Week for Flipped Classroom: Managing Holds

February’s Flipped Classroom topic focuses on managing holds, how to make the most of your Advantage purchases, and a look at some of the features and programs OverDrive and the WSDLC employ to get the books your students want in to their hands sooner. There is also an excellent marketing resource regarding holds created by one of our members!
Click this link to check out February’s Flipped Classroom: Managing Holds

Next week will begin another brand new Flipped Classroom: Purchasing! We’re still tidying up the content, but we’ll have it ready for you to continue your self-paced learning by March 1st.

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The WSDLC project managers and the team at OverDrive are always available if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.
Not sure who to contact? Check out this handy guide on the WSDLC website: