End of Year Sale, Lucky Day Collection, WLA Conference, and Flipped Classrooms: Advantage Accounts & Marketplace

School breaks and holidays are just around the corner, and we have some great opportunities to help support your students’ reading needs and interests! From getting popular titles in to their hands and ears early (WSDLC’s new Lucky Day collection!) to adding some fresh titles thanks to OverDrive’s annual sale, Wisconsin students are sure to find something to pique and support their interests!


OverDrive’s End of Year Sale: November 15th 2021-December 31st 2021

If you purchase for your school or district’s Advantage account, you will want to take “advantage” of OverDrive’s biggest sale of the year with up to 50% off on over 160,000 titles through December 31st. Sale titles include both eBooks and Audiobooks, and you can browse for titles through several different collections put together by experts at OverDrive, such as 2021 Releases, Diverse Reads, Staff Picks, and more! You can also search for titles by access level, format, and/or by genre!


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Have You Tried Out Lucky Day?

Earlier this month, a Lucky Day collection was added in to the WSDLC, which gives students the chance to “skip the line” for popular titles. These Lucky Day titles are non-holdable, non-renewable, and are available on a first come, first served basis. (But don’t worry- there are still copies of these titles that are renewable and can have holds placed on them!) The addition of this feature actually allows wait times on popular titles to drop, and for students in the hold list to move up quicker! Win-win!
You can view current Lucky Day titles through this [shareable!] link: https://soraapp.com/library/wsdlcwi/curated-1268810/page-1


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The WLA Annual Conference is This Week! (November 16 – November 19th)

WLA’s annual conference begins today! If you’re in Green Bay, WI this week, please stop by the WiLS booth and say hello! WSDLC Project Manager Sara Gold will be at the conference, and would love to chat with you! You can find her, and other WiLS staff, at booth number 410.
And just to make things a little extra enticing, the WiLS booth will have treats (remember Whistle Pops?) and a scavenger hunt for a chance to win a sweet pair of Beats wireless headphones. While you’re there, stop by the booth next door (booth 411) and learn what’s new with Recollection Wisconsin!


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Flipped Classrooms: Advantage Accounts & Marketplace

November is Advantage Accounts & Marketplace month for the WSDLC’s Flipped Classroom training series! This flipped classroom introduces the Advantage program, and shows users how they can use Marketplace to make the most of their Advantage accounts.
During Flipped Classroom months, materials on various topics are available for members to review, and OverDrive staff is ready to schedule one-on-one 20-minute sessions to answer your questions. 
If you have any questions or comments on the flipped classroom content, please let us know; we’d love to hear what you’re thinking! 


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The WSDLC project managers and the team at OverDrive are always available if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.
Not sure who to contact? Check out this handy guide on the WSDLC website:  https://wsdlc.org/who-to-contact-with-questions/.