August’s Usage Stats, Back to School Webinar: Recording Link + Next Webinar’s Details, OverDrive’s New “Student Dashboard”, and more!

August’s Usage Statistics

The WSDLC’s consortium-wide usage statistics for last month have been compiled and are ready to be viewed. While circulation numbers are low, they follow 2020’s trend of less use while students are out of the classroom. Taking a brief look ahead, August saw 2,759 individuals check out titles, while as of this morning, September has already seen 4,669 individuals check out titles!
You can download the full statistics .xlsx spreadsheet that includes detailed information on circulation numbers, holds, and other metrics, broken down by month, at the bottom of the WSDLC Year to Date Statistics page.
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Back to School Webinar: Recording Available + Another Opportunity to Join Live

Last week, on Tuesday, August 31st, OverDrive Account Executive Connie Bowman and Account Managers Edwin Tucker and Lena Richardson hosted a Back to School webinar. This webinar focused on what’s new in Sora and Marketplace and how WSDLC members can make the most of their Advantage accounts.
If you missed the August 31st webinar but would like to join in live, there will be another Back to School webinar on Wednesday, September 15th at 3:00pm.  
You can view the recording of this webinar, or get the connection info for the next live webinar by reaching out to WSDLC project managers at
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New Student Dashboard Available in OverDrive Marketplace

A new student dashboard is now available in OverDrive Marketplace to ensure your educators have access to robust student reading data from Sora. This new dashboard allows Marketplace users that have the Sora Activity permission to view student summaries that show data such as the number of books opened, time read, number of reading sessions, number of active days, and more!
You can view more information about the Student Dashboard and learn how to enable it by visiting the Marketplace Help article at:
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Flipped Classroom: Getting Started

How can students checkout titles in Sora? Can I listen to an audiobook offline? How can I find a book in OverDrive Marketplace? What is each of the different lending models? You can find answers to these questions and more in this month’s Flipped Classroom: Getting Started.
What is the WSDLC Flipped Classrooms Training Series?
During our Flipped Classroom months, materials on predetermined topics are available for members to review, and OverDrive staff is ready to schedule one-on-one 20-minute sessions to answer your questions. We are excited about these training opportunities to get you, your students, and staff comfortable with the WSDLC collections and using them to their fullest capabilities.
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The WSDLC project managers and the team at OverDrive are always available if you have any questions or comments.
Not sure who to contact? Check out this handy guide on the WSDLC website:
Thank you for all that you do, and have a wonderful week!