Back to School OverDrive Webinars, Digipalooza ’21 Recap, & Last Call on 2021-22 Membership Renewals

Happy Tuesday!

Coming Soon: Back to School Webinars

WSDLC project managers and the OverDrive team are getting ready to host a couple of back to school webinars to help our members get back in to the swing of things. Topics will include new features coming to Sora, tips and tricks, and content access level functionality. Be on the lookout for the dates and more details, coming soon!
If you aren’t able to make any of the webinars, they will be recorded with links sent out to all registrants afterwards.
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Last Call: 2021-22 WSDLC Membership Renewals due August 15th

The deadline to renew or cancel your WSDLC membership is this coming Sunday, August 15th.
Anyone that has not let us know their renewal decision by August 15th will be automatically renewed for the 2021-22 membership year and billed on September 1st.
You can fill out the WSDLC Renewal Confirmation form to let us know if you are renewing and/or update your information here:
Please reach out to WSDLC project managers at if you need your quote resent, or if you have any questions.
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Digipalooza ’21 Brief Recap

Last week was OverDrive’s biennial global conference Digipalooza. There were 51 sessions, including a keynote from the 14th Librarian of Congress Dr. Carla Hayden, lots of useful tips and information on data-driven decisions and best-practices, and a session that was cohosted by a Director of Library Services from a school district right here in Wisconsin!

Some of the key takeaways include:

  • Upcoming Sora updates:
    • The Sora App will be getting a refresh, along with increased accessibility options, like updated screen reader support, high contrast/dark mode, and dyslexic font mode.
    • Up to 10,000 Collections can now be loaded at a time, and collections can have as few as 1 title included (currently, collections can have a minimum of 7 titles.)
    • Users can now borrow directly from a wishlist
    • Samples now include a “borrow” button so students can continue reading
    • Achievements are indicated in the Title Details
    • Holds can be placed on the same title at different libraries (if their account is linked to other libraries, such as a public library)
    • Improvements on settings, preferences, and filters
    • Students will be able to set their own default checkout period
    • Displaying unowned content, allowing students to express interest in titles not currently in the collection, and notifications when requested books are purchased/available
    • Error messages with self-serve support
    • Easier way for students to contact OD support
    • Adding more highlighting colors (each of which meet accessibility standards)
    • Screen reader-accessible exported PDFs
    • Ability to add reactions/emojis as notes inside ebooks
  • Multiple presenters have reported that even after their schools returned to in-person learning, the digital reading trend has continued to increase!
  • Outreach- Tips on how to reach K12 readers:
    1. Meet your readers in their space: social media
      eg: it might seem scary or intimidating, but try using Instagram, Twitter, & TikTok
    2. If you are engaged, your students will be, too
      eg: instead of teachers assigning a class read, the students get to vote on what their class read will be
    3. Displays are the way
      eg: cards with QR codes placed on the shelf where [popular] books are shelved. “[TITLE] not here? Scan the QR Code to view on Sora”
      eg: curated collections of tough topics
    4. Trust the kids
      eg: they know what they want to read, and what works best for them (physical books, ebooks, audiobooks)
      eg: let students help in engagement and outreach
  • OverDrive’s free resources to learn more about using your school’s share of funds to help your students read more:
  • One school has a collection of titles recommended from their school’s superintendent; this has been a major help in engaging use by teachers and showing the collection’s value to the school board and parents.

WSDLC project managers are very excited to see how these ideas and tips can be used to help support WSDLC collections and members!

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The WSDLC project managers and the team at OverDrive are always available if you have any questions or comments.
Not sure who to contact? Check out this handy guide on the WSDLC website:
We hope you all have a wonderful week!