July’s Usage Statistics, An FAQ Answered, and More!

It’s hard to believe August is upon us already!

July’s Usage Statistics

The WSDLC’s consortium-wide usage statistics for last month have been compiled and are ready to be viewed. July 2021 followed previous years’ trends with usage dipping downwards as students are spending their time outside the classroom. Collections are also continuing to grow, with new titles and additional copies of already owned titles (especially the more popular ones) consistently being added.
You can download the full statistics .xlsx spreadsheet that includes detailed information on circulation numbers, holds, and other metrics, broken down by month, at the bottom of the WSDLC Year to Date Statistics page.
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FAQ: Can I block individual consortium-owned titles from being accessed by my school’s students?

Currently in Sora, consortium-owned titles cannot be weeded or suppressed at the school or district level. WSDLC project managers have been meeting with OverDrive regularly to discuss and escalate this feature. In addition, we have requested the formation of an additional content access level to further define juvenile materials. (For example k-2 and 3-5).
Please let your administrators know we recognize the need for districts to have more autonomy with their collections and we are working with OverDrive to address and meet those needs.
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Flipped Classroom Training

In September, we will once again begin our Flipped Classroom training program.  Each month will be dedicated to a particular theme, designed to help new members get acquainted with OverDrive, as well as well as serving as a refresher for returning members. In addition to having available materials for members to review on their own time, OverDrive staff will be ready to schedule one-on-one 20 minute sessions to answer questions.
September’s theme is Getting Started.
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2021-22 WSDLC Membership Renewals due August 15th

The deadline to renew or cancel your WSDLC membership is quickly approaching!
Anyone that has not let us know their renewal decision by August 15th will be automatically renewed for the 2021-22 membership year and billed on September 1st.
You can fill out the WSDLC Renewal Confirmation form to let us know if you are renewing and/or update your information here: https://forms.gle/U8Z31nJqF7MaNAvw8
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Tiny Case Studies

We love to hear about the things our members have been doing with the WSDLC- from hearing about a problem they’ve solved, neat ways they’ve used SORA collections in the classroom, creative marketing strategies, and everything in between.  And what we love even more is to share these stories with all of our members, especially as Tiny Case Studies!
WSDLC’s tiny case studies are brief, practical summaries of outstanding things that some WSDLC members are doing, and serve as an opportunity for members to share a WSDLC-related problem they had and how they solved it.
If you have an idea for a Tiny Case Study, you can tell us either by email at wsdlc-info@wils.org, or complete the idea form, and we will reach out to you with next steps!
You can also view all of our member-created Tiny Case Studies here.
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The WSDLC project managers and the team at OverDrive are always available if you have any questions or comments.
Not sure who to contact? Check out this handy guide on the WSDLC website:  https://wsdlc.org/who-to-contact-with-questions/
We hope you all have a wonderful week!