2022 BOB, Intellectual Freedom Resources, Digipalooza 21 & WSDLC Renewals

We hope everyone has been able to keep cool this week!

2022 Battle of the Books

In June, WEMTA released the book titles for 2022’s Battle of the Books. We are gearing up and making sure multiple copies of these titles are available for students through SORA to aid in participation.
Not sure what Battle of the Books is? Check out WEMTA’s BOB website!  Registration typically opens at the beginning of September, with the battle occurring the last full school week in February.

Intellectual Freedom Resources Page Now Available

Last week we announced that an Intellectual Freedom Resources page is available on the WSDLC website.  This page includes the WSDLC’s collection policy, links to the CCBC’s resource page, infographic, and helpful blog post on how to respond to challenged titles, and the ALA’s statement on intellectual freedom.

2021 Digipalooza: August 3rd-5th

Digipalooza is OverDrive’s biennial conference, and this year is a 3 half-day virtual event. The theme is Advancing the Science: How Libraries & Schools Best Serve Digital Media, and will be bringing together  librarians, educators, literacy professionals, publishers, technologists, AI and marketing leaders.
To learn more and to register, go to: https://digipalooza.com/

2021-22 WSDLC Membership Renewals due August 15th

The deadline to renew or cancel your WSDLC membership is quickly approaching!
Anyone that has not let us know their renewal decision by August 15th will be automatically renewed and billed on September 1st.
You can fill out the WSDLC Renewal Confirmation form to let us know if you are renewing and/or update your information here: https://forms.gle/U8Z31nJqF7MaNAvw8

The WSDLC project managers and the team at OverDrive are always available if you have any questions or comments.
Not sure who to contact? Check out this handy guide on the WSDLC website:  https://wsdlc.org/who-to-contact-with-questions/
We hope you all have a wonderful week!