New Books, A Message Regarding Budgeting for 21-22 and WEMTA

Good Afternoon Everyone,
We have lots of information to share with WSDLC members:
We received 74 titles in (mostly) ebook format along with some audiobooks from OverDrive as a way to say thank you to WSDLC members for your patience during the extremely busy period from March 2020 through December 2020. I’ve attached a list of the titles for your reference. *Note there are 75 titles listed but one title, Legend, was weeded by a district and was unable to be added.
We have started to receive questions about the membership fees for the 21-22 membership year. The WSDLC Board is set to vote on the membership fee per student at their March 4th meeting.  We can tell you that the price will not exceed a 4% increase, or $1.56 per student.  The WSDLC membership rate per student will be announced at the WSDLC Annual Membership Meeting, on Thursday, March 18th from 2:30-4:00 p.m. so please save the date now. Zoom information will be shared in a future member message.
Please note, we will send out firm WSDLC renewal pricing as soon as we possibly can, but it is not entirely within our control. We calculate pricing based on certified enrollment, and we cannot do that until DPI releases their certified enrollment figures for this year.
Finally, the WSDLC is coming to WEMTA. Both WiLS and OverDrive will have virtual booths and will be hosting presentations that will be recorded:
 Sunday, February 7 • 10:45am – 11:30am
How to Engage 21st Century Students with Digital Content with Connie Bowman from OverDrive
Sunday, February 7 3:15-4pm
The WSDLC Basics: Getting Started, Finding Answers, and Making the
Most of Your Investment with Sara Gold from WiLS.