Summer Recap

Good Afternoon,
As you are easing back into the school year, we’d like to welcome you back to the WSDLC and give you a recap of what’s happened with the WSDLC over the summer.
  • Sora The assignments feature has been removed from the landing page of the Sora app per requests from users.
  • Publishers ​ There have been a number of changes to purchasing terms from major publishers over the summer. We will keep you in the loop in terms of
  • Training plan for 2019/20  WiLS and OverDrive have created a training plan for 2019/20 that includes many training opportunities in different formats, all designed to get your the information you need most efficiently:
    • “Flipped classroom” months:  Review a set of materials about the topic on your own.  Schedule a 20-minute one-on-one session with OverDrive to get your questions answered.  Starting in September with a “Getting started” month
    • Topical FAQs:  From the questions members ask during the “Flipped Classroom” month, these FAQs will help all of our questions get answers.
    • Tiny case studies:  Very short case studies where your peers share a WSDLC-related problem they had and how they solved it.  Starting in October.
    • Member exchange webinars:  A chance to get together (virtually), share your experience, and learn from other.  Each one will feature a specific topic.  Starting in December.
    • Tip sheets:  Gleaned from the member exchange webinars, these tip sheets will provide quick ideas and help.
    • Hands-on session and one-on-one sessions in the booth at WEMTA.
  • Are you using User Login Manager for authentication?
If so, now is the time to make sure you have your new students added and your former students removed.  The simpliest way to do this is to upload a new batch file with current information and overwrite the previous data.  If you have questions, please contact Amanda Lawman at
  • New Promotional Materials for Fall 2019 
       With the help of the WSDLC community, we have new promotional materials to share that you can use with teachers, parents                and students as they return to classes this fall. To access these materials, please see:
Thank you and make sure to reach out to us with any questions.