WSDLC Board Nominations

Nominations are now being accepted for 5 seats on the WSDLC board. The operational guidelines for the consortium call for the WSDLC board to include one representative from each CESA area, elected from the area’s participating districts’ member representatives.

Board members are asked to meet certain expectations:

  • To participate in all meetings: meetings are held via GoToMeeting. There are 4-6 meetings per year.
  • To come prepared to all meetings in order to effectively participate in discussions and decision-making.
  • To work well in a collaborative group setting.
  • To complete tasks on behalf of the Board between meetings: up to this point, this has primarily been reviewing communications or other documents.
  • To responsibly represent the project to partners.
  • To advocate for the project and to participate in fundraising efforts, as position allows.
  • To monitor and track the budget to ensure fidelity between the work conducted and the available funds.
  • To monitor and track the contract with the project manager.

Nominations are being accepted from schools or districts in the following CESA areas: CESA 3, CESA 8, CESA 9, CESA 10, CESA 12 Terms are three years. The nominations period will run through the end of the day on March 28. Nominees will be asked to complete a brief nominations form. Voting will open April 1 and run through April 21. Terms for new board members will start September 1.

Please email with any questions. We appreciate your consideration.